Google Suite

Google Suite or G Suite is a suite of collaborative productivity apps that offers email, calendar, online document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing and storage, file sharing, and collaboration. This series of classes will focus on the different apps of G Suite. Each class is 2 hours long and will meet on Fridays as specified from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. You can enroll in all the classes or individual classes. There will be no class during spring break. (Pre-register at least one week prior to class start date.)

Class Schedule

Class 1: Overview of the G Suite - Feb 16th
Class 2: Using and Optimizing Gmail - Feb 23rd
Class 3: Managing and Using the Calendar – Mar 1st
Class 4: Getting Started with Docs - Mar 8th
Class 5: Getting Started with Sheets - Mar 15th
Class 6: Creating Presentations with Slides – Mar 22nd
Class 7: Understanding and Using Google Drive – Apr 5th
Class 8: Collaborating with G Suite apps - Apr 12th